Strongest Families Institute - Child, Youth and Parent
This service is not administered by Nova Scotia Health Authority. Service Information may be incorrect and/or out of date. Confirm details with the service provider.
Strongest Families Institute (SFI) offers evidence-based, bilingual mental health services for children/youth and their families, when and where they need it.
SFI’s scientifically proven distance-delivered services improve mental health and well-being by leveraging the advantages of best science, highly skilled telephone coaches, and innovative technology (IRIS).
SFI offers 4 programs to Nova Scotia children, youth, and parents:
- Parents Empowering Kids -- Behaviour Difficulties Program (3-12 years old)
- Chase Worries Away -- Anxiety Program (6-11 years old)
- Defeat Anxiety -- Anxiety Program (12-17 years old)
- Dry Nights Ahead -- Nighttime Bedwetting (5-12 years old)
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