Mental Health and Addictions Services
This list includes services and programs offered by Nova Scotia Health and community partners. If you are unsure of which option is right for you, call our Intake Service at 1-855-922-1122 (toll-free) and a clinician will help determine what services and supports best meet your needs.
For more information about community services and supports call or visit 211.
Click here if you are unsure which NSHA Zone you or someone you care about lives in.
Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselling Association of Nova Scotia (NADACA)
This service is not administered by Nova Scotia Health Authority. Service Information may be incorrect and/or out of date. Confirm details with the service provider.
NADACA programming is designed to deal with all aspects of substance abuse, i.e. alcohol abuse, illicit drug abuse, prescription drug abuse and solvent abuse. Our mandate is to provide accredited certified indigenous addictions prevention, education...