Mental Health and Addictions Services
This list includes services and programs offered by Nova Scotia Health and community partners. If you are unsure of which option is right for you, call our Intake Service at 1-855-922-1122 (toll-free) and a clinician will help determine what services and supports best meet your needs.
For more information about community services and supports call or visit 211.
Click here if you are unsure which NSHA Zone you or someone you care about lives in.
Families Matter in Mental Health
Families Matter in Mental Health is an 11-week education and support program for family or friends who are providing practical and/or emotional support to someone who has a...
First Nations Services
Mental Health clinicians work as part of the first nations health care team in several first nations communities. The Mental Health Clinician provides assessment, diagnosis and...
Forensic Assessment and Corrections Treatment Unit (FACT)
The Forensic Assessment and Corrections Treatment Unit (FACT) provides psychiatric assessments to individuals remanded by the courts of the Nova Scotia justice system to...
Forensic Sexual Behaviour Program
The Forensic Sexual Behaviour Program provides assessment and treatment to individuals living in the community who have been convicted of a sex offence and are on parole or...
Gamblers Anonymous
Gamblers Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from a gambling problem.
Geriatric Psychiatry Acute Inpatient Unit
The Geriatric Psychiatry Acute Inpatient Unit is for individuals over the age of 65 with a new onset of mental illness or for individuals of any age with dementia and complicated medical and/or psychological symptoms.
Geriatric Psychiatry Outpatient Program
Seniors mental health services provide assessment, consultation and treatments to:
- seniors aged 65 and older for a new onset of mental health challenges
- individuals of any...
Glooscap First Nation Health and Healing Centre
Health programs offered include:
Aboriginal Head-Start, On-Reserve (AHSOR)
Home and Community Care (HCC)
Brighter Futures - health promotion
Community Health Promotion and Injury/Illness Prevention
Building Healthy...
Health Psychology
Health Psychology offers psychological interventions for those with chronic and acute health conditions. The main focus is on the patient's mental and emotional reaction to an illness or their recovery from an illness.
Healthy Minds Cooperative
Healthy Minds Cooperative is an innovative mental health cooperative that provides a variety of peer-based services to people with lived experience of mental health issues and to...