Stop Smoking Program
Nicotine Addiction Treatment & supportive counseling services are available by trained Nicotine Addiction Treatment Specialists throughout Nova Scotia for individuals who want to stop their tobacco or nicotine use, most commonly, smoking & vaping. This can involve reducing harms associated with nicotine dependence. Individuals receiving treatment will have access to accurate information on strategies assisting them to stop or reduce use in an effective way.
Treatment plans are developed with clients based on their current needs and/or health concerns. Treatment plans involve approaches such as group counseling, individual follow up and supportive services. Funding for quit aids (nicotine replacement therapy or prescription medications) are available for program participants. Virtual programming options may be available for individuals wishing to access these. Individuals engaged in treatment will receive current information on how to stop or reduce use.
During the group sessions, people are given opportunities to share concerns, successes, ask questions and gain support from others. Some of the topics covered can include:
- Information on nicotine addiction
- Coaching on how to use quit aids to maximize their benefit
- Identifying and managing nicotine withdrawal
- Developing coping strategies to manage triggers, cravings and urges to use nicotine
- Making changes to patterns of behavior
- Building supports and identifying self-care strategies
- Managing stress without nicotine use
- Learning strategies to prevent relapse
For more information about this service, please contact the program in your area.
Accessing this Service
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