Union of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq - Mental Wellness Team
Alcohol or drug use /
Anxiety /
Depression /
Detachment from reality (delusions, paranoia, or hallucinations) /
Feeling Sad or Depressed /
Feeling Stressed, Anxious or Worried /
Grief /
Grief /
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) /
Significant tiredness, low energy and problems sleeping /
Stress /
Suicidal thoughts and behaviours /
Withdrawal from friends and activities
This service is not administered by Nova Scotia Health Authority. Service Information may be incorrect and/or out of date. Confirm details with the service provider.
The Union of Nova Scotia Mi’kmaq Mental Wellness Team provides case management and service navigation for First Nations persons of all ages seeking mental wellness services.
We work in collaboration with relevant community and provincial organizations to facilitate access to existing mental health services, and we hope to create improved linkages between existing services and community organizations. This team works in each of the five Unama’ki (Cape Breton) communities, and Paqtnkek (Antigonish County).
Accessing this Service
Click here if you are unsure which NSHA Zone you live in.