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CAPSA - Community Addictions Peer Support Association

CAPSA is a National leader on the topic of stigma, its impacts on individuals who use substances or have a substance use disorder and on identifying and correcting instances of systemic stigma imbedded in organizations. Employing subject matter experts, with living experience, CAPSA works with organizations to provide education around substance use, stigma related to substance use disorder and the use of person-first language to reduce stigma and discrimination.

CAPSA offers educational opportunities to engage in lifelong learning through training on the topic of substance use health, stigma, person-first language, and allyship. CAPSA believes in multiple pathways to increased health including peer support groups and developing your individual substance use health goals.


All People, All Pathways™ is the foundational concept of our group. Honouring your journey and your destination and recognizing that there are many ways to increased wellness and many people will walk on different paths. The purpose of our weekly peer group is to provide a safe and aware environment for those seeking help to question their relationship with substances, free from stigma or discrimination. APAP™ believes that you will find your answers and the best path for you and your goals for increased wellness. Our group is inclusive of all individuals in or seeking increased health in their relationship with substances. Their families, allies, and professionals are all welcome to attend our meetings. 

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