Mental Health and Addictions Services
This list includes services and programs offered by Nova Scotia Health and community partners. If you are unsure of which option is right for you, call our Intake Service at 1-855-922-1122 (toll-free) and a clinician will help determine what services and supports best meet your needs.
For more information about community services and supports call or visit 211.
Click here if you are unsure which NSHA Zone you or someone you care about lives in.
Hope For Mental Health
Hope For Mental Health provides a continuum of programs and services for people living with a mental illness and their family/friends. These programs promote and support wellness. “Living Well in Community”, is about providing the necessary supports...
Hope for Wellness HelpLine
The Hope for Wellness HelpLine offers immediate mental health counselling and crisis intervention to all Indigenous peoples across Canada. Experienced and culturally competent...
HopeNS is an evidence-based tool that helps those affected by the wildfires and their loved one identify and adjust the negative thoughts, feelings and behaviours stressful times might provoke.
People in Nova Scotia can text HOPENS to 393939 to...
Indian Residential Schools Crisis Line
The Indian Residential Schools Crisis Line is available 24-hours a day for anyone experiencing pain or distress as a result of their residential school experience. Call 1-866-925-4419.
There are no fees associated with use and this service is...
Inpatient Mental Health Services
Inpatient mental health services are available for those who cannot be safely assessed, diagnosed and stabilized in the community.
Inpatient Withdrawal Management Program
Inpatient withdrawal management service provides medication-assisted withdrawal management and recovery supports to individuals requiring inpatient treatment to manage withdrawal from alcohol and/other substances. These services are staffed by a...
IWK Mental Health and Addictions Program
The IWK Mental Health and Addictions Program provides specialized care throughout the province for children and youth up until their 19th birthday within a patient and family...
Kids Help Phone
Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only 24/7, national support service. We offer professional counselling, information and referrals and volunteer-led, text-based support to young...
Laing House
Laing House, located in Halifax, is a drop-in centre for youth aged 16 – 29 living with mental health illness and/or challenges. Based on peer support, youth can meet friends who...